This Workshop is divided into two conceptual parts, approximately 3.5 hours each
The first part is all about planning. Here, you will learn
• how to build a habit of writing regularly and stress-free
• how to create an outline of your thesis or article
• how to read scientific articles like a pro
• how to take good notes
• how to turn these notes into a drafts (+ checklist of what you need in an introduction)
• how to approach revision
The second part is all about language and styling. Here, the focus is on working with your texts at the level of paragraphs, sentences, and words. You will learn:
• what is the structure of the scientific articles/thesis, and what each of these sections should contain
• how to build coherent and logically linked paragraphs using specific structures
• how to navigate information flow in a paragraph
• how to write readable and imageable sentences
• how to transition smoothly between sentences
• how to navigate scientific terminology, use proper words and omit the needless ones
After each covered section, you will do practical exercises, which I will help you with.
This workshop is suitable for both beginners (e.g., bachelor students) and more advanced students (e.g., master’s and starting Ph.D. students who want to learn to write better).
The workshop is currently in preparation. If you want to be notified when the workshop goes live, subscribe to my newsletter below.